CCLA Meeting Minutes from 17 January, 2019
Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm
In Attendance: Meredith, Christy, Karen, Deb, Wanda, Aaron, Jayson, Jan
Consent Agenda 1 was adopted.
Consent Agenda 2 was adopted.
Keeping note of attendance at VT Humanities Book Club was requested by Christy, Jan will make sure to do this.
Motion made to elect Jayson to the Board (the secretary apologizes for not recording who made the motion, and who seconded it).
Motion passed, all approved.
Jayson expressed a possible willingness to take on the position of secretary.
New Business
CCLA is in need of new Board Members and Trustees.
Decision was made to have an American Girl doll raffle again this year. Karen made motion to spend up to $300 on doll and accessories, Jayson seconded.Jan objected. Amended motion to cap spending on the doll and accessories on $250 was made my Karen, seconded by Jayson, all approved. Ticket price will be $5.00. Aaron will investigate American Girl donating books to the library, which could be used to form an American Girls reading group.
Fundraising Brainstorm resulted in a decision to explore holding a Trivia Night.Wanda volunteered to talk to Geoff about holding this at The Tavern, and Meredith volunteered to talk to Tom ( at Aubuchon) about leading the trivia. Also, future fundraisers could be a Smugglers' Notch Distillery tasting, and a Poker Tournament.
Yellow Door Campaign - Wanda has a total of $1,385 collected. Christy and Karen believe the total is higher, and will look into the discrepancy with Wanda.
Mail Chimp was discussed as a method of keeping track of volunteer hours and monetary donations.
Town funding - $57,500 was requested, and was granted.
Jan will continue to take care of the recycling.
Motion made to adjourn meeting was made by Jan, seconded by Jayson, all approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jan Schilling