Varnum Library Board of Directors Meeting Notes

2/26/19, 5:30PM


1)      Carol self-nominated to serve as Secretary of the BOD which was seconded and unanimously approved.

2)      Building Use Policy:  Discussed the policy and was updated.  Final version will be emailed to BOD and updated on the website.

3)      Motion and seconded to approve that Cochran Accounting will prepare the 2018 taxes.  Approved. The BOD will review the tax document before it is submitted.

4)      The Selectboard offered to have Jim Barlow review and update our by-laws.  We will discuss again in March.

5)      There is water gathering in the basement… Meredith spoke to County Plumbing.  Discussed the idea of having a building inspector do an assessment of needs for the building.  We will revisit in the spring.

6)      The BOD will continue to meet on the 4th Tuesdays at 5:30.  Meredith will email the CCLA members to see if they are available to meet following the BOD meeting at 7:00PM on the 4th Tuesday.

7)      We will do the BOD make up assessment at the retreat.

8)      Susan is no longer taking the trash.  Meredith will do it for March and suggested we do it on a rotating basis. Jason will cover April.

9)      We did not feel the need to follow up with anything regarding Lara’s presentation.

10)  Meredith with follow up with Clarissa and Delia regarding becoming board members.



Submitted by Carol Plante