Crescendo Club Library Association Varnum Memorial Library
Program/Event Form
Program/Event Name:________________________________________________
Day(s) of Week and Date(s):_______________________ Time:_______________
Host(s)/CCLA Member (2 people required at ALL events):______________________
Library Staff Assistance Required:_______________________________________
Special Needs (Materials/Supplies/Food):
___ Projector ___ Laptop ___ Lectern ___ Easel ___ Large Pad ___ Markers___ Other: _________________________________________________________________
___ Print Ready Copy Attached ___ Print Ready Copy In Progress-Due Date__________
___ Print Ready Copy to Editor
___ Promotional Photos Attached ___ Promotional Photos In Progress-Due Date______
___ Poster Attached ___ Poster Needed - Due Date___________________________
___Facebook ___Front Porch Forum___WebPage___ Instagram ___ Twitter
___ News & Citizen ___ Transcript ___ Burlington Free Press___ Seven Days ___ Mountain Gazette ___ Stowe Reporter___ Mountain Ear ___ Green Mt Trading Post ___ Town Calendar___ What’s Happening Calendars (separate submission to all media) ___Other_________________________________________________________
___ Library ___ Hanley’s ___ Cambridge Village Market___ Kinney’s ___ Smuggler’s Notch ___ Mobil___ Chamber Information Kiosk (located on corner of Route 15 and Route 108S at Mobil) ___Other_________________________________________________________
___ Cambridge Elementary ___ Waterville/Belidere Elementary___ Lamoille Union MS ___ Lamoille Union HS___Other________________________________________