The Varnum Memorial Library Policies 

Policies updated and approved by the Crescendo Club and Trustees on _________________________

To ensure Library policies are current and in compliance with state/federal regulations and with Library operation, the policies are reviewed by the Board of Trustees every two years (even-numbered years). Changes shall be made as needed, with the board reaching consensus to implement any changes.


The Varnum Memorial Library and its Board of Trustees strive to meet the community’s needs by providing fiction and nonfiction written works, audio and visual materials, and internet access for adults, young adults and children.

Intellectual freedom is demonstrated through the variety of our core collection. Materials will not be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation, or because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.


The Varnum Memorial Library maintains confidentiality in accordance with federal and state regulations with regard to its circulation records and other records identifying the names of Library patrons and the materials they have used.

Under Vermont law, a parent or guardian of a child under age 16 who has a Library card may request and receive circulation records pertaining to that child. A parent or guardian must have the documented permission from a child 16 years of age or older who has a Library card to request and receive the number and titles of overdue books on the card and the amount of any fines and/or fees associated with the record.

Circulation records and other records that link the names of Library patrons with specific materials are confidential. Such records will not be made available to any party except as required by law.


The Varnum Memorial Library supports the intellectual freedom of all Library users regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, country of national origin, religion, nationality, ethnicity or political affiliation. The Library does not condone discriminatory practices in its administration of its responsibilities, nor toward the public it serves or the materials selected to be part of the Library collection. It is not the responsibility of the Library staff, volunteers, or the Board of Trustees to determine the appropriateness of materials accessed by its patrons through the collection or internet.

Library Management and Operations

Hours of Operation

The Varnum Memorial Library is open 35 hours per week.

It is closed on:

  • New Years’ Day,

  •  Memorial Day (observed),

  •  Independence Day,

  •   Labor Day,

  • Thanksgiving,

  •  Christmas, and

  • and other days as determined by the Library Director and/or Board of Trustees (i.e. set up for book sale, inclement weather)

    Regular hours of operation are:

  • Monday: 12:00 PM 7:00 PM

  • Tuesday: 12:00 PM 7:00 PM

  • Wednesday: 3:00PM 7:00PM

  • Thursday: 9:00AM 7:00PM

  • Friday: 2:00PM 5:00PM

  • Saturday: 10:00 AM 3:00 PM

    Access by Patrons

    Residents of the Towns of Cambridge, Waterville, and Fletcher, may apply for a Library card, entitling them to borrow print, audio and video media. Any member of the public may have onsite use of the Library’s materials and computers.

    To apply and qualify for a Library card, the applicant must show proof of residence. Acceptable proof of residence is:

  • Driver’s license showing current residence, or

  • Utility bill (electric, phone, gas/oil) showing current residence

    For visitors staying for an extended period who wish to apply for and qualify for a Library card, the applicant must:

  • Leave a deposit by check for $50. The check will be cashed only if the visitor fails to return borrowed materials on time.

  • Provide local contact information including address and telephone number.

  • Provide proof of permanent residence either with a valid drivers’ license or current utility bill.

    Parents or guardians of any child under the age of 16 will be asked to sign a registration sheet and be responsible for materials signed out for or by the child.


Individuals holding a valid Library card for the Varnum Memorial Library are entitled to borrow books, audio CDs and DVDs for three (3) weeks. It is the responsibility of the borrower to abide by the assigned due dates and return the materials in good condition. Failure to meet these requirements will result in fines and/or the suspension of borrowing privileges.

Any patron wishing to renew an item may do so by:

  • bringing it to the Library,

  • calling the Library, or

  • going online to their account.

    Items renewed online may be done so once.
    Materials that are returned late may subject the patron to a fine of $0.10 per late day.
    Borrowers will be charged the replacement cost of materials lost or damaged.
    Materials that are not bar-coded may be reviewed onsite in the Reading and Reference rooms only.
    Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

    The Varnum participates in the free inter-library loan program, which, allows all patrons who have Varnum Memorial Library patron cards to borrow materials from libraries throughout Vermont and beyond. When materials can be located within Vermont, the time from request to delivery is generally two weeks. The process may take longer when locations outside of Vermont are queried. Patrons are asked to let the library staff know if there is a required deadline for their request.

    For further information regarding the ILL program, please refer to Appendix A.

    Code of Conduct

    The Varnum Memorial Library is a public space. It is the responsibility of the Library staff, volunteers, the Board of Trustees, and patrons to make it a safe and welcoming place.

    This means that patrons will respect the rights of others to use the Library in peace. While in the Library or on its property, respectful behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Using appropriate, respectful language,

  • Treating everyone in a courteous manner,

  • Maintaining a volume level that allows everyone to maintain their attention on their own work,

  • Using cell phones when outside of the building,

  • Wearing appropriate clothing (shirts, shoes)

  • Responding to the requests of the Library staff and volunteers

    Patrons will treat Library materials and Library property with care. Patrons will be responsible for the replacement or repair of damaged materials or property. Parents and legal guardians assume all liability for damage to the Library, its materials, and it property done by their children.

Anyone posing a safety or health risk will be asked to leave the Library. Patrons whose behavior is disruptive or interferes with the operations/use of the Library will be required to leave the premises1. In cases deemed necessary by the Library staff or volunteers, law enforcement may be contacted. Repeated violations of the Code of Conduct will result in permanent loss of access to the Library.

Children in the Library

Parents and legal guardians are always responsible for the well-being and safety of their children.
Preschool children will at all times be attended and appropriately supervised by a responsible adult. Children aged 10 and older may use the L
ibrary unattended as long as they abide by the Library’s policies. The Library is not responsible for children of any age left unattended.

For all children, the Library is not responsible for enforcing the restrictions a parent or legal guardian considers appropriate in terms of the materials their child may access.

Animals Onsite

While the Library does not allow animals onsite, there are two instances in which the policy may be suspended. The Library recognizes and supports those patrons who may require the use of a service animal while onsite. The Library holds different programs onsite, some of which may have animals as part of the event. In such cases, advance permission from the Library Director and/or member of the Board of Trustees is required.

Food and Beverages on Site

In order to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for all patrons of the Library, food and beverages are allowed only with the permission of the Library Director. During special events held outside of the regular hours of operation, food and beverages may be allowed with the advance permission of a member of the Board of Trustees. When food or beverages are allowed on the premises, the facility will be left in the same condition as before the event was held. For further information, please refer to the Code of Conduct Policy.

Smoking, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, or the Use of Illegal Substances

In order to ensure a comfortable environment for all patrons and to protect the building and its contents, use of tobacco products is prohibited in or on the premises. Patrons who fail to abide by this policy may be asked to leave the premises.

The consumption of alcohol and the use of illegal substances are prohibited in the Library or on the premises. For further information, please refer to the Code of Conduct Policy.
Weapons on Library Property

The Library strives to maintain the safety of its patrons, staff, and volunteers. With the exception of police personnel engaged in police work, no person shall be allowed to carry a concealed weapon or to openly carry a weapon in the Library or on the Library property. Any person violating the weapons policy shall be denied entrance to the building or ordered to leave the building. Any Library employee or volunteer violating this policy may be disciplined. For further information, please refer to the Code of Conduct Policy.

1 Premises is defined as the property owned by the Library.

Emergencies and Dispensing of Medications

In the event of an accident or medical emergency on the premises, the Library staff/volunteers will contact EMS. The Library Director, the Library staff and volunteers, and the Board of Trustees cannot dispense medications to patrons. This includes aspirin products.

Use of the Varnum Memorial Library Building (Effective January 16, 2014)

Policy Statement

The Varnum Memorial Library (hereinafter referred to as “VML”) has no designated meeting space separate from the collection and other library activities during normal operating hours. The Crescendo Club Library Association (hereinafter referred to as “CCLA”) allows the use of our public space outside of library hours to minimize disruption of our basic purpose and mission.


  1. The hours available for meeting use are Mondays through Thursdays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm; Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 pm; and Saturdays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. A library representative must be available to attend.

  2. Our space is available to Town of Cambridge and Village of Jeffersonville municipal organizations, and 501(c)(3) non-profit groups in our service area.

  3. Events must be non-commercial and non-profit in accordance with the CCLA’s no solicitation policy, and free and open to the public. Publicity may indicate that the meeting is held at the VML, but cannot say that the library or CCLA sponsors the event.

  4. The library staff will maintain the scheduling calendar at the circulation desk. Events must be scheduled a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance. Library-sponsored activities will take priority over all others. Proof of 501(c)(3) status will be provided at time of scheduling.

  5. A library representative must be in attendance to open/close the facility, and to direct any special setup of the meeting room. A library representative is defined as a staff member, CCLA trustee/member, or regular library volunteer. The circulation desk will not be open during after- hours events, and no regular library services will be available.

  6. The VML has a laptop, projector, and screen available. These will be reserved at the time of scheduling, and a designated group representative must be trained on their use before the event.

  7. Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the organization using the space, under the guidance of the attending library representative.

  8. Due to limited facilities, there will be no refreshments brought in or prepared at the library. Closed top personal water bottles and/or beverage containers may be used in the open meeting space, or at the tables, but not near the computers, books, or circulation desk.

  9. The sponsoring group will ensure that all event attendees abide by the CCLA’s Code of Conduct policy, and that the event complies with State fire codes.

  10. The group sponsoring the event will be held liable for any damage to the building, collection, furniture, or library-owned equipment brought by attendees.


   11. The VML, its trustees, the CCLA, and library representative attendant, are not responsible       for damage to materials or equipment brought into the building by the sponsor. The sponsor agrees to indemnify all these parties and hold them harmless from any and all claims, actions, and/or causes of action of any kind which may arise out of the use of the building by a sponsoring individual or group.

Collection Development

The Varnum Memorial Library supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

I. Books and other Library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the Library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V. A person’s right to use a Library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI. Libraries that make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.

Collection Selection

The Library Director, with input from the Book Committee is responsible for materials selection.

Intellectual freedom is demonstrated through the variety of our core collection. Materials will not be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation, or because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

The selection of materials offered through Varnum Memorial Library are made after consulting current book reviews, book lists and conferring with other libraries in Vermont. The Library will strive to enlarge its materials, with an emphasis on its fiction collection.

Patrons may request the addition of materials to the collection. Such requests must be made to the Library Director, Library staff, and/or the Book Committee. While the Library will attempt to honor such requests, it cannot guarantee the purchase of a specific item.

The Library Director is responsible for systematically culling the collection, based on the Library’s objectives, needs, and available space.

The inclusion of certain books may be challenged by completing a Book Challenge form and submitting it to the Library Director. While the Library Director and Board of Trustees recognize the right of patrons to challenge the inclusion of a book in its collection, they reserve the right to maintain the book after consideration.


The Library may accept donations of books, audio CDs and DVDs at the discretion of the Library Director. The Library will not accept old encyclopedias, Readers Digest compilations, videos, or significantly damaged materials.

Computer and Internet Use

The Varnum Memorial Library subscribes to the belief that its mission is to provide people with access and participation in the electronic arena. To that end, the Library offers its patrons access to internet resources. The Library supports and adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom. Electronic resources, including but not limited to the computer and internet, are reference tools that supplement books, periodicals and reference collections.

The internet is an evolving and unregulated resource medium and the Library does not monitor or control information accessed through the internet. As a result, the Library requires patrons to abide by the rules and policies approved by the Crescendo Club Varnum Memorial Library Board of Trustees.

The Library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed through the internet and cannot be responsible for the content accessed. As with all other Library materials, children’s access to the internet is the sole responsibility of the children’s parent or legal guardian.

In accordance with state and federal regulations, websites are not filtered or blocked. Patrons, and in the case of children, their parents or legal guardians must remember that not all websites are safe or appropriate for children. It is not uncommon for people to pose as someone other than themselves. While the Library can provide patrons with some information regarding unsafe sites, it cannot be responsible for what patrons access.

Computers are available for patrons, all of which have WiFi availability. Any attempt to reconfigure hardware or software to the Library computer network is prohibited. Individuals caught doing so, will be prohibited from further access and may be required to leave the Library. Any damage to the Library’s computers or associated materials will be charged at replacement value to the responsible patron, or in the case of a minor, her/his parent or legal guardian.

The use of the Library computers is not secure and any infringement of a patron’s rights is not the responsibility of the Library. Patrons should take care to protect personal information when using the Library computers.

The violation by any patron of any federal, state, or local law governing information access, including, but not limited to, copyright law, is prohibited. Any illegal activity will be dealt with to the full extent of the law.

The following computer use rules are in effect:

  1. No more than two persons can sit at one computer.

  2. Patrons are subject to a 30-minute access limit if others are waiting.

  3. Students working on school-related assignments have priority between 2:30 4:30 on Monday,

    Tuesday, and Thursday, during the school year.

  4. Patrons will end their computer access time when requested by the staff or volunteers.

Appendix A Interlibrary Loan Program

Interlibrary Loan: A free, basic library service for all patrons who have Varnum Memorial Library patron cards. Patrons can borrow materials from libraries throughout Vermont and beyond.

How does the library find and request ILLs?

We begin by searching a network of linked library catalogs called the Vermont Automated Library System (VALS). In most cases, we request materials directly from libraries through an automated form. When borrowing from some institutions, such as UVM and Dartmouth, we must use the Vermont Department of Libraries (DOL) as a mediator.

What if no libraries in Vermont have what I need?

If we do not find the item you need in Vermont, we submit the request to librarians at the Vermont DOL, who look for locations outside the state. This takes longer, so if you would prefer not to go that extra step, please let us know when you make your initial request.

How long will it take?

It's best to assume at least 10 days, or longer for an out of state ILL, especially if the item is obscure.

What if I have a deadline?

Please let us know the date you need the item by when you make your request. We will do our best to honor deadlines, but we cannot guarantee success.

How will I know the status of my request?

Check at the circulation desk. The staff member on duty will be able to tell you at which step of the process your ILL is.

What if I find my own copy and no longer need ILL?

Please call or e-mail right away to cancel your request.

Is there a fee for ILL?

No, ILL is a free service.

What about postage charges?

The library budgets for postage charges as part of its operating expenses, but these charges are substantial. Although many libraries outside the state will lend ILL materials at no cost, some routinely charge a fee. Most of these fee-based locations charge $10 or more. We will ask you if you are willing to pay up to $10 to obtain the out-of-state ILL, or if you only want it if it’s free of charge. DOL always looks for free locations first. If you do not indicate an amount, we will assume it is $0. The Vermont DOL handles so many requests that the only efficient way is to obtain permission for fees ahead of time.

Any other possible fees?

Sometimes libraries charge for photocopies of lengthy articles. If you request an article, please indicate your upper limit for copying fees. If you do not indicate an amount, we will assume it is $0.

What's the first step in placing a request?

Please check the Varnum Memorial Library online catalog ( to make sure we don't already own the item. If you are unsure about your catalog search, a library staff member can help. If you do not find the item, please request an ILL from the staff at the circulation desk.

Is there a limit on the number of requests?

Patrons may request up to three (3) ILLs per month. If you are working on a time-limited project and need more than that, please discuss your situation with the librarian, and we will honor your request if we can. Receiving and borrowing

How do materials get here?

Via U.S. Mail library rate.

How will I know my ILL is in?

Once the ILL is processed, we will either email you or call you, as indicated on your patron sheet. If you are not sure whether your patron record includes an e-mail address, please inquire at the circulation desk.

How long do I have to pick it up?

Once we have contacted you, the ILL will be available at the circulation desk for one (1) calendar week. If it is not picked up during that time, we will return the ILL to the sending library, and your ILL privileges will be suspended for one (1) month.

How long can I keep the item?

The due date is determined by the lending library. It will be noted on the date due paper/card.

May I renew ILL materials?

Most ILLs can be renewed for one two-week period. You must call or visit the library to request the renewal. Please request renewals before the item is due. In cases where the lending library specifies "no renewals," we will note it on the date due paper/card.

What if the item is overdue?

If you are overdue returning an ILL book to the Varnum Memorial Library, your ILL privileges will be suspended for one (1) month. If we incur overdue fees from the lending library, you will be responsible for paying these fees.

What if an ILL is lost or damaged?

Please speak with the Librarian as soon as possible. While it is important to return all library materials in good condition and in a timely manner, it is especially important to take good care of ILLs. In cases of loss or damage, we will contact the lending library to find out their policies and requirements. Be advised that some libraries charge high replacement costs for lost or damaged materials.

May I request newly-published materials?

In general, we cannot obtain new items on ILL because the national Interlibrary Loan Code specifies that materials must be at least six months old before they are requested.

So what are my choices if I want something new?

You can wait a few months and place the request again

May I request an ILL for an item that's checked out?

No, ILL is only for materials that the library does not own.

May I request multiple copies of a title for my book group?

No, individual group members must initiate their own ILL requests.

May I request videos or audio recordings?

Yes; however, we do not routinely request these formats from out of state locations. If we do not find your 12 video or audio in Vermont and you have a compelling need to obtain it (for example, if it is part of a research project or presentation), please speak with the Librarian and we will honor your request if we can.

May I request magazine or news articles?

Yes, but please check with a circulation librarian first to make sure we don't already have the article in the library. If we request an article for you, it will usually arrive as a photocopy, a computer printout, or an e-mail attachment. You are allowed to keep printouts, usually at no charge. If the article arrives as an e-mail and you have provided an e-mail address, we will forward it to you.

May I request microfilm or microfiche?

No. The Varnum Memorial Library does not have a reader for these materials, and they cannot be used outside the library.

May I borrow a whole issue of a periodical on ILL?

No; in general, libraries do not lend whole issues, but we can help you find circulations to specific articles in journals and magazines and then request copies of those articles for you.

Appendix B
Use of the Varnum for Non-Library-Related Events

Today’s date: ________________________________________________________

This form must be submitted to the Library Director at least two weeks prior to the date of the requested event. It can be mailed to: Varnum Memorial Library

Attn.: Library Director PO Box 198 Jeffersonville, VT 05464

Name of sponsoring organization: ________________________________________________________

Date of the Event: ________________________________________________________

Time of the Event: ________________________________________________________

Purpose of the Event: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of expected participants: ________________________________________________________
Contact person: ________________________________________________________

Telephone number: ________________________________________________________

Mailing address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Varnum Memorial Library, the Crescendo Club Library Association, or any of its staff or members will not be held responsible for any articles lost or stolen or any personal injury.

I have read the Building Use policy and other associated policies and accept responsibility for meeting all of the policy requirements, including billing obligations, if building use is granted.

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature of Authorized contact person Printed Name

_________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature of Librarian or Assistant Librarian or Date
Board Member approving use